The Worthies Sports and Social Club
The Worthies Sports and Social Club


We have 2 of the biggest screens in Winchester and are able to show a variety of sports throughout the year, as well as 5 other screens enabling us to show a multitude of sporting events.


The Club also plays host to a number of sporting leagues and activities.  We also have a dedicated Table Tennis Room available for members and guests to use.  For further information on each sport, please use the tabs on the left hand side.




















Where are we?

The Worthies Sports and Social Club

Loader Close, Lovedon Lane

Kings Worthy, Winchester

SO23 7NJ

Get in touch!

If you have any queries, would like to book a function or you would just like to get in touch, please contact us:


01962 880457


Email us at:



Or use our contact form.



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© The Worthies Sports and Social